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The Article of Our Lecturer Sümeyye Sel Odabaş was Published in Nida Magazine

The Article of Our Lecturer Sümeyye Sel Odabaş was Published in Nida Magazine
Our philosophy department lecturer Sümeyye Sel Odabaş's "Naturalist Perspective of Virtue Acquisition : Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle '' article was published in the 211 st volume of Nida Magazine.

In her article, Odabaş starts with a quotation from M. H. Gauthier-Muzellec's "Aristote et la juste mesure" book focusing on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is an effort to find a specificity on the ethical area. The subject matters of nature(phusis) and habits(ethos) are important in determining the specificity of the ethical area and in finding a sphere to the ethical area. It seems to serve to find this specificity of the ethical field focusing on the synthesis of nature and habits in the context of "Acquisition of Aristotelian Virtue ". The subject matter of acquisition of virtue which Aristotle tries to explain can be handled in terms of behaviours and habits that are inherent in our nature. In the framework of this study, an examination will be about the behaviours inherent in our nature by focusing on voluntary-involuntary behaviours. Also, this study will try to reach the specificity of the ethical field by following the naturalist perspective of Aristotle. 
