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The Reading Group: The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy

The Reading Group: The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
The Reading Group, organized by the Philosophy Department, will start this Wednesday, December 4, 2023. The event will start at 13:30 in ITBF, 2-22A, meeting hall.

The event will be in Turkish. All academics at our university are our natural guests.

Our first text is the Introduction, Second and Third Chapters of the Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy:*

  1. Introduction, pp. 1-9
    By Peter Adamson, Richard C. Taylor
  2. Greek into Arabic, pp. 10-31
    By Cristina D’ancona
  3. Al-Kindī and the reception of Greek philosophy, pp. 32-51
    By Peter Adamson

* Edited by Peter Adamson, King's College London, Richard C. Taylor, Marquette University, Wisconsin

Link: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-companion-to-arabic-philosophy/BB1B390ECB024E88FC807FF471EE80EB

Turkish translation available: İslam Felsefesine Giriş, Küre Yayınları